Combinatorial optimization
Combinatorial optimization as a major domain of CS
Combinatorial optimization is a field within computer science that focuses on finding the optimal solution among a finite set of possibilities. It involves solving complex problems by determining the best combination of variables to achieve an objective. Some examples of combinatorial optimization problems include:
Tiling problems: The tiling problem is a type of combinatorial problem that asks how to cover a given region with a given set of tiles, without any gaps or overlaps. The region and the tiles can have different shapes and sizes, and the tiles can be placed in different orientations. The tiling problem can have various applications, such as art, cryptography, geometry, and computer science. The tiling problem can also have different variations, such as counting the number of possible tilings, finding a specific tiling, or determining whether a tiling exists or not.
Time tabling: In this problem, the goal is to create an optimal schedule for activities, taking into consideration constraints such as available resources, time slots, and preferences. This is commonly used in school timetables, conference schedules, or employee shift planning.
Cutting and packing problems: These problems involve finding the most efficient way to cut or pack objects into specific shapes or containers. This is commonly used in logistics and manufacturing industries to optimize the use of space, minimize shipping costs, or maximize loading capacity.
Facility location problems: In this problem, the objective is to determine the optimal location for new facilities based on factors such as distance to customers, transportation costs, and capacity requirements. It has applications in urban planning, supply chain management, and network design.
Graph matching: Graph matching problems involve finding the optimal correspondence or alignment between two or more graphs. This is often applied in image recognition, pattern recognition, or DNA sequence alignment.
These examples highlight the broad range of applications and complexity involved in combinatorial optimization, making it an important area of study within computer science.
The Optimization Lab at Math Faculty and many publications of the members are related to this topic.
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